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Online Teaching Bachelor Degrees

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Online Teaching Bachelor Degrees

Let’s start with why to choose Online Teaching Bachelor Degrees. Because that is most importantly available. The short answer for this question has to be that. However, why universities or states choose to give way to online education?  The answer of this question is that, because  there is a teacher shortage in critical areas like math, Science and English as a second language because of that reason, nowadays many universities are adding online education programs.

Would You Like To Be a Distant Learner?

Why not; Because all of your needs are to be supplied by means of technology. Today’s web 2 tools are making online education even favorite and that might be prospective teacher’s choice. I want to share my point of view, because I am a teacher and I graduated from an English Language Teacher Training Distance Education Program. I was a student between the years 2002-2006. We had books, computers and internet. Moreover, We had also got an internet portal and besides our books, we can read, listen and watch lessons from the internet. Thanks to the broadband ADSL connection on those years.

What Are Included and are those adequate.

  • Books
  • Computer
  • Internet
  • A multiple cam video chat room like Tiny chat
  • We can ask our questions related to the unit subject topic or even in general
  • We had our answers within 24 hours from lecturers at most

However, nowadays web 2.0 collaboration tools are increased much more and we can embed everything from Google services or from any other service.

If you are wondering a list of Online Teaching Bachelor Degrees have a look at here from  this link.

What is not Possible with Online Teaching Bachelor Degrees?

You might not find your friends physically but you can still be social. You can go to extra courses. Some examples are coding, other computer sciences, sports, arts etc. Those will make you more social. You might have more friends and you can be even more social.


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