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Emergency calls for UK (language is culture)

In Emergency calls for UK (language is culture) tutorial you will learn emergency phone numbers for United Kingdom. Language is culture and because of that we have to learn some more things about the culture of our foreign or second language.

Emergency calls for UK (language is culture) The number one “NUMBER”

999-> For police, ambulance, fire brigade, coastguard, cliff rescue, mountain rescue, cave rescue, etc. The key word is “Emergency”. Only when there is a real serious occasion you can use this telephone number.

Emergency calls for UK (language is culture)

“It can be dialed from a locked mobile phone and it is toll free


112->It works on all mobile phones across the globe. It operates exactly the same as 999.


101->This phone number will direct you to the police station however for not an emergent situation.

  • For example, your car is stolen
  • Your home has been broken into.


111- The non-emergent medical number.


You must remember that “999” and “112” calls are free.

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